Recent news​
Second Issue of Heritage Home Newsletter
John Covert 8/16/2014
The second newsletter is here! Read about each of our childrens' biggest highlight from the summer and other updates from Lisda!
Click the picture to open.
First Issue of Quartley Newsletter
Fain Atkins 2/16/2014
The first newsletter is here! Read about each of our childrens' biggest highlight from 2013, A thank you from the founder to supporters, and things we need prayer for this upcoming year! Click the picture to view.
If you would prefer the newsletter emailed to you, fill out the form below!
Vehicles For Charity
John Covert 02/7/2014
We now have a donation form with Vehicles for Charity! If you are someone you know is selling or has an unused car, please consider this as a viable option. Every car donated, Heritage Home recieves 70% of the vehicle's value and it's tax deductable for you. Most cars can be picked up within 48hrs, anywhere in the U.S.
Heritage Home Welcomes Febe and Jonathan!
Fain Atkins September 10, 2013
The Newest Addition
​Prayers and support are needed for our sweet Febe and little Jonathan. To find out more about them check out the "Our Children" section of this website. Since each child requires $100/mo for adequate care - we need more sponsers! If you are interested in becoming a sponser for Febe or Jonathan please visit our donation page by clicking here. Any amount given, you can become a sponser - please prayfully consider supporting Febe or Jonathan on a month to month basis.
We also ask for continuous prayer for Febe, Jonathan, and all our children. Febe has fit right in and the other girls love having her. Jonathan is the first boy at Heritage Home and the girls' have embraced him as a little brother. Remember, you can always keep up with their daily lives by visiting Heritage Home's Facebook page or one of the girls' individual Facebook page. Keep up with events like their visit to the water park, Febe's first day of school, cooking endevors, and so much more!
Home's Facebook
The New Website
​Fain Atkins March 8, 2013
​John allowed me to do this site with absolute faith, as I have never put together a website before. My hope is that it will give you a clear picture as to what Heritage Home is all about and keep you updated with their latest endeavors. If you notice any grammatical horrors, feel mass confusion, or dislike something so insignificant it would definitely be nitpicking - we would love your input about it! Since I am just figuring everything out, I'm sure I'll have to make some adjustments along the way. Overall, I just love helping a ministry that is rooted so deeply in the gospel in any way that I can. I hope you develop a similar desire and are able to put it into action.