Osyin is 15 years old and was born on June 23, 1999 in North Sumatera. She comes from a poor family in the jungle. Her house had no electricity and no clean water. Because of this, she has ailments in her stomach (gastric pain). She also has problems in her mouth and skin due to going without food. Osyin is glad to now be in a good facility with clean water and to be at a school getting a great education. ​
One of her hobbies is cooking. She thanks God for His love and she has dreams of becoming a nurse.
Naomi is 14 years old and she was born on March 8, 2000 in North Sumatera. She comes from a broken home where she did not live with her father or mother because after their divorce. She lived with her grandma and was always shunned by people she knew. This made her depressed. She is happy to be at Heritage Home because she receives the encouragement and motivation she needs. She realized that God is her father and mother and she is very close to Him now. Naomi is always praying. She also loves to sing and dance.
Osyin's Facebook.
Yanti is 12 years old and was born in North Sumatera on July 11, 2001. She is the younger sister of Osyin. Yanti similarly has problems with her skin due to the poor living conditions of where her family was staying in the Jungle. She could not read and could not speak clearly before coming to Heritage Home. She is happy now because she has good care and is able to go to a good school. She now knows the alphabet and is learning to read. Yanti believes that God created her perfect, that He will heal her, and that He has made her a smart girl so that she can be a blessing to many people in the future.
Yanti's Facebook.
​Nia is 20 years old. She is currently fully sponsored by Heritage Home. Nia is an orphan. She was 4 years old when her father died. After the death of her father, her mother completely abandoned her. She moved to Heritage Home in April 2013 to live while she continues her studies to become a nurse. She also helps out with the younger girls. Nia is excellent at cleaning fish.
Naomi's Facebook.
Ribka is 11 years old and was born on August 29, 2004 to a poor family in North Sumatera. She can not read but Ribka is a very active, smart girl. She has never had a good education until she came to Heritage Home. She wants to be able to read and has improved her literacy greatly. She likes singing and praying. Ribka believes God is good all the time in her life.
Ribka's Facebook.
​Febe is 7 years old. While she was still in the womb, Febe had a serious infection. The doctor suggested that Febe's mother should have an abortion. Her mother prayed to God and asked Him to save her daughter. God intervened and Febe was born on January 19, 2007. She was named Febe after Pheobe in the Bible because of God's faithfulness. Febe aided her mother in farm work to help bring in income. This work caused Febe's skin to become problematic. She thanks God she is at Heritage Home now. Febe has started Kindergarten since being here.
Nia's Facebook.
Febe's Facebook.
​The first boy at Heritage Home! Johnathan is a smart and very active boy. He is currently 7 years old. Jonathan was adopted by a widow from Singapore and during his application process to become Singaporean his mother suddenly died on Auguest 24, 2013. The girls' here are so glad he is able to live at Heritage Home - they love him as a little brother.
Clarisa's name means bright, shining, and gentle. She is 5 years old and is from the island of Nias. Clarisa was abandoned by her mother and has no father. She has been such a blessing to us and we feel honored to now have her call Heritage Home her home.
Johnathan's Facebook.
Christina is 10 years old, she came to us July 29th 2015. Christina has a mom and dad. They lived at the local landfield. As of this moment Christina cannot read or write. The day we recieved he we registered her for school and we are going to hire a private tutor for the reading. We will have her at least through high school.
Sensi came to us 8/5/2015. We won't go into all the details about her life, but she came from Nias Island from an abusive situation. She already is fitting in well at the home, and is a big help. 8/6/2015 she registered in school with the other children.